I'll be totally honest with you. I really don't like junk.
Actually, I hate it.... vehemently.
My Valentine's present this year from my fiance was a helping hand in eliminating all the junk I carry around among my assortment of bags and purses.
From expired coupons to a billion pens to dead batteries to torn receipts... I had no idea I was lugging it all with me from day to day. (Not to worry, I recycled absolutely everything I could possibly recycle and donated the rest).
And I started thinking... this whole "Dream Green" concept can also simplify your life.
It helps us say NO to junk! Because after all, junk just ends up in the dump.
So, I have decided that the favors we give to guests should be something useful and lasting... not something that will just end up in the landfill the next day... and something that (hopefully) won't be carried around in their purses for the next two years.
Today I did some wedding favors research, and discovered Beau-Coup's Fine Favors-- a company that has green options with combo functionality.
To combine place cards with favors, here's this unique idea:
Simply dig up some dirt, place the place card inside, water, and watch your garden grow!
Another one of Beau-Coup's lovely green options is a place card attached to a mini rose topiary... combining the place cards, favors, and centerpiece decor all in one (did I mention how much I'm a fan of efficiency?)
My favorite is the green and white one.
The lucky bamboo is cute too. But if they die, be wary of disaster... my college roommates can testify to this.
Sure, I like these place setting ideas because they are eco-friendly. But most importantly, they are memorable and bring more life and breath into your home. I can just envision our little wedding garden in our future backyard... :-)
A green, junk-free wedding.
I will make my fiance proud.