Thursday, April 15, 2010

How a broken window can make your wedding shine with Eco-friendliness.

Dear Mom and Dad,
Today in school we learned about Earth Day.

"Boys and girls, what are the three things we can do to make every day Earth Day?"
(all together now...)


Nicely done.  You get a gold star.

Taking my students' lead, I decided to investigate how I too could reduce, reuse, and recycle some wedding centerpiece ideas...

And here's what I found.
"Spiral Bowl- Black Glass"
Recycled Glass Bowls by Recycled Glass Works-  a company in San Francisco.  Beautiful, handcrafted, recycled glass centerpieces that used to be windows.  Fill them with quartz stones, soy candles, and succulents that are sure to add dynamic design upon your guests' tables.

"Square Platter 'Labyrinth'"
"Starburst- Clear Glass"
Furthermore... and here's where the "reuse" part comes in...

Durable and dishwasher safe, they add flare to your standard kitchenware:
Unique party trays, holiday meal platters, or... as future centerpiece gifts.

In the past, this may have been referred to as "re-gifting."

But not today.  The hereby official term:
"Eco" gifting.

And I promise not to give you a "haven't I seen this in your house before??" furrowed brow stare if I receive one in the future. 
(FYI: I am partial to the "Spiral black glass" bowl)

Rather, I will gladly accept the gift I saw in your house (or at your wedding) and show my thanks with the official Earth Day salute:


Wow- was that yet another gold star?
Oh I think it was.

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