Monday, March 8, 2010

Two Wedding Do-Gooder Deeds

This isn't "green" persay... just some tidbits of social responsibility to pass along.  But hey, when you want to do good for the planet, chances are you care about the people on it, too.

How to do some good on this day of you...
The one day when you can wholeheartedly focus on you (and your intended), as you rightfully should!  But in doing so, here are some thoughts on how to share that love.

This weekend my fiance and I participated in a "Pre-Cana Day" as part of our marriage prep and the priest recommended we consider giving one of our wedding gifts to the poor. 

"Ah, like donate one of the extra toasters," I mused to myself.  Of course that makes sense.

No, no.  Not exactly what he meant.

Take the cost of one plate at your wedding and buy nonperishable food with the amount.  Bring the basket to the front of the altar to be blessed during the ceremony (or rehearsal dinner) and then donate it afterward.

Simple yet effective.
I thought it was a wonderful suggestion for sharing from the wedding table of plenty.

Another thought-- compliments of that terrific Special E company who donates/recycles all leftovers:

"One Can"
I totally love the pun on this one.
Both a testiment to the fact that "One can make a difference" as well as the actual task. 

Guests are asked to bring one can of nonperishable food to the reception and then it will be donated to the local shelter.

Note: if you do go this route, just make sure to tell guests well ahead of time so they can coordinate the right grocery satchel to go with their dresses.... just to ensure that it's all good with the doing good.

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